Youth Ministry at Trinity

The youth ministry meets on Sundays following the morning service in the Youth Room off of Fellowship Hall, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.

Life with a Passion

Jesus said that he came that we might have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10). The Youth Ministry at Trinity exists to walk alongside teenagers and point them to the abundant life that is only found in Jesus Christ. At the heart of Youth Ministry is the Gospel-the good news of the grace of Jesus Christ. In an age where teenagers are judged by their looks, their performance in the classroom, or their prowess on the sports field, the Gospel presents a radically new way to be human. Finally freed from fear, phoniness, and selfishness, the Gospel recreates us and empowers us to live authentic, God-centered, soul-satisfying lives in the world. Sound interesting? Come join us.

Please contact Jin Hee Kim with questions regarding youth ministry.